WörterSee is a provider of 360-degree solutions in the field of communication, marketing and sales and a supplier of analogue and digital content. We connect brands, institutions, companies and products with their audiences.
Under the umbrella of Destination Specialists, together with our partner Isabelle Bauer from PURE.Touristik Solutions, we combine our strengths in the representation, marketing and communication of destinations and destination management companies in the German-speaking markets. destination-specialists.de
PATA Germany is registered as an association in Frankfurt a.M. and has been supported by us as branch office for almost ten years. The main objective is to represent the interests of the Pacific Asia Travel Association in Germany and to further promote tourism to the Asia-Pacific region through numerous activities such as trade fairs, roadshows, Luxury Edition and live seminars. The association currently has more than 100 members from various sectors of the travel industry. www.pata-germany.de
We advise – companies, institutions, destinations and brands. Our core disciplines: The development and implementation of communication and marketing strategies, brand management, destination management and destination marketing.
We communicate – internationally for companies, brands, destinations and products: 360 degrees, in all channels, digitally and visually, always with a clear focus on the relevant target groups. We work with classical, digital and social media.
We create – creative digital and analogue content. Whether visual or in context. We realise video productions, immersive three-dimensional tours and digital learning spaces.
We connect – companies, products and brands with consumers and the players in stationary, mobile and digital distribution. Our strategies breathe stakeholder involvement and a maximum of customer orientation.
Let’s connect and shape what’s next.